Saturday 1 March 2008

The 112 one year later

It has been almost a year this blog has not been updated. And for good reason! EENA was very busy pushing the issue of a better-quality 112 for the citizens of the EU through the labyrinth of the EU Institutions in Brussels. As we are proud of the results, we would like to share them with you.

After considering EENA's petition in 2006, the European Parliament decided to take action. A cross-party coalition consisting of Vice Presidents Diana WALLIS (ALDE, UK), Gérard ONESTA (Greens/EFA, FR), Alejo VIDAL-QUADRAS (EPP-ED, ES), Dimitrios PAPADIMOULIS (GUE/NGL, GR) and former MEP Marc TARABELLA, introduced on the 23rd of April 2007 a written declaration on the European emergency call number 112. On the 6th of September 2007 this declaration was adopted with the largest majority ever to have been attained for a written declaration (530 MEPs out of a total of 785). This clear sign from the European Parliament created new perspectives for the 112.

The next step was the organisation of the first European 112 Day οn the 11th of February 2008 with the aims of making sure that Europeans are informed on the European emergency number 112 and that calls to this number are appropriately handled. Sponsored by the private sector as well as by dozens of Members of the European Parliament this day was a success and EENA hopes that it will become a tradition. On this same day the European Commission published a special Eurobarometer survey on the 112, which proved beyond doubt the need for concrete actions in this field.

In parallel, EENA is working to set up an an Advisory Board with the participation of main emergency telecommunications stakeholders, several high-level politicians, representatives of professional users and international organisations along with key industry players. More on this and about EENA's ideas concerning the 112 Excellence Centres in the next post.

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